17 December, 2008

Looking forward to 17 Dec 2009!

One more year, to be exact, before I walk down the aisle with my fiancé, Colin. How I long for this day to arrive! Everything changed after the sudden demise of Colin's father during the planning process of our wedding which was initially set on 28 June 2009. I hope the following year will help to heal the loss of Colin and his family before we finally get married. Deep down inside my heart, I am also adapting to this change. This incident made me recall the sudden death of my mum as well which happened way back in 2005.

It is really heartbreaking that they couldn't see us get married on this important milestone of our lives. But it is all life's destiny.

Nevertheless, I believe on 17 Dec 2009, our families will unite together on this joyous ocassion despite the absentence of his dad and my mum. Both of them will definitely be sharing our joy from above and watch us as we get married.

I am looking forward to the wonderful moments on our wedding day as we celebrate with our families and friends as we unite as one. Colin and I will definitely make it a special and memorable day which we will remember for the rest of our lives =)

Count down starts today =P

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